DHA is the major lipid component of the eye’s retina. It plays an important role in the development and functioning of the eyes in children.

Balanced Omega-3 acids in OMESAM can help your eyes.

Omega-3s Can Improve Eye Health

When you don’t get enough DHA, vision problems may arise. Getting enough omega-3 is linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration, one of the world’s leading causes of permanent eye damage and blindness. Read

Can Omega-3 Help Eyes?

Omega-3s have been shown to reduce the risk of certain eye diseases, including dry eye and macular degeneration. According to the American Optometric Association, DHA is found in the highest concentration in the retina, the part of the eye that responsible for visual recognition, suggesting it has an important function in helping send signals to the brain. It’s also been shown through several studies.

Can Omega-3 Help Eyes development?

Studies found that “improving maternal DHA nutrition decreases the risk of poor infant and child visual and neural development.” In addition, the studies confirmed that “maternal fatty acid nutrition is important to DHA transfer to the infant before and after birth, with short and long-term implications for neural function.” Read

Studies found that infant girls whose mothers received DHA supplements from their fourth month of pregnancy until delivery were less likely to have below-average visual acuity at 2 months of age compared to infant girls whose mothers did not receive the omega-3 supplements. Read

Omega-3 and Dry Eye

Roughly 14% of adults suffer from dry eye disease, a chronic condition caused by decreased tear volume and quality. When the eye isn’t covered by the right mix of water and oils, ocular surface inflammation can occur, causing the disease (also called ocular surface disease).

Symptoms of dry eyes can include a stinging, itchy or burning sensation in your eye; sensitivity to light; blurred vision; mucus in or around your eye; and excessive tearing. Older women, in particular, have a higher risk of dry eye disease than other groups, possibly because of hormonal changes that affect the tear-producing glands.

Omega 3s—particularly EPA and DHA—might reduce the risk of dry eye disease and relieve its symptoms because of their anti-inflammatory activity. Scientific evidence from multiple trials have supported this hypothesis, as omega-3 supplementation has been shown to erase symptoms and progression of dry eye disease. Read

The evidence is strong when it comes to Omega-3 and eyesight: the overall wellness of the latter is heavily dependent on the maintaining healthy levels of Omega-3.